Sunday, December 3, 2017


Are you frustrated that your "Cousins" (matches) on AncestryDNA, 23andMe, FTDNA or ??? do not have trees nor will they communicate with you?  Realize the greatest majority of the seven million who have tested have little or no interest in genealogy.  It will take time and effort to get them to help you with your quest. Try the following:
PERSIST.  Do not give up.    
Be positive and cordial when communicating.    
Provide an email address for them to communicate with you.    
Understand the "calculated relationship" may not be accurate.  Verify it yourself or get help with the calculations.    
Provide your estimations of how you are related to your cousin.  Include family names, time periods and locations.    
Continue your efforts to contact matches and encourage them to exchange info, even if they do not have a tree.  It may take several attempts so add extra morsels of information each time.    
Be as helpful as you can with adoptees looking for their biological parents.    
Remember our ancestors may not have had the time or interest in preserving the family history so those you are contacting may only have recent history (themselves, their parents and perhaps grandparents recollection).    
Do not get any more frustrated, you have no control on those "Cousins" and can only do your best to enlighten them.    
Should you do mtDNA test.  I do not see much benefit to enhance genealogical research.    
Should your children / grandchildren test?  The elders are best as their DNA is diluted with each generation.  It is better to get all of their grandparents to test.    
May this help you.  Merry Christmas    MIKE          Sunday  12/03/2017  2100 PST    

Monday, November 27, 2017

Cyber Monday DNA Sales       -

If you thought the Christmas DNA sales were great, look quickly at the Cyber Monday (and some carryover from Good Friday) specials 

AncestryDNA has is $59 ($40 reduction).  The sale ends today!  I expect you will also pay the normal shipping cost of $9.95.

Family Tree DNA has "Family Finder" for $49 ENDING TODAY!  Y-DNA 37 continues at $129 and more.

If you are planning to order a Y-DNA test, I have $20 off coupons (good until 11/19/2017) that may get you an even better deal.  Email me soon to get the Promo Code for the discount.

23andMe has a Cyber Monday offer or $30 off per Ancestry kit = $69 and $100 off per kit if you buy two Ancestry and Health kits.  ENDS TONIGHT!

MyHeritageDNA (England) has their Autosomal DNA (atDNA) for $50 off = $49.  Offer ends 11/27/2017. 

LivingDNA (England) has their all in one test (atDNA, Y-DNA and mtDNA) at $70 off = $89 + delivery.  This might be of use if you have English roots. 

Questions ???  Send me an email or call.  I expect the sales will continue through December.  I (and others) will have FTDNA discount coupons each week.  Go to dnashastadig.blogspot,com for updates.  MIKE  Monday  11/27/2017   1430 PST    

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Beginning....Our ShastaDIG Blog

The Shasta DNA Interest Group (ShastaDIG) provides an open forum for those interested in genetic genealogy, a desire to understand their DNA testing results or want to determine if DNA testing may help them.    

We do not have a membership requirement, just an interest in DNA issues.    

We meet once a month January – May and September – November on the second Wednesday at 6 PM.  We meet in the Redding Family History Center at the LDS Church, 3410 Churn Creek Road (across from Enterprise High School)  
 Questions ?? email