Wednesday, February 13, 2019

2/13 DIG Meeting Cancelled

DIG Meeting Cancelled - The Snow Wins  2/13 

Tonight's Shasta DIG meeting (February 13, 2019) was cancelled due to the snow storm and lack of power at the Family History Center.  While the roads are becoming passable, we need electricity to have a successful meeting.

The Valentine's Day / Spring DNA Sales continue!  I do not have any updated prices. 

Our March meeting will be Wednesday, the 13th.  Looking forward to seeing you this Wednesday.  MIKE Witesman  DNA Mentor  Wednesday  2/13/2019  2125 PST    

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Shasta DIG Meeting Wednesday 2/13 +DNA Sales

Shasta DIG meets next WEDNESDAY, February 13 at 6 PM.  This the day before Valentine's Day.  We will meet at the Redding Family History Center as before. 

The Valentine's Day / Spring DNA Sales have started!  MyHeritage kits are $59, AncestryDNA kits are $59 and Family Tree DNA kits are $59 also.  (Watch FTDNA for specials on bundles too).  A reduction for 23&Me Ancestry kits has not been announced.

There will not be a Heritage Faire is this year.

RootsTech 2019 starts Wednesday, February 27th.  If you are looking for special deals on DNA kits from all of the testing companies, I expect they will be selling kits for about the same cost as Cyber Monday.  Look for emails starting Thursday 2/28 if you want me to procure kits for you and respond quickly.

Our March meeting will be Wednesday, the 13th.  Looking forward to seeing you this Wednesday.  MIKE Witesman  DNA Mentor  Sunday  2/10/2019  2225 PST